Linux Distribution: TurboLinux & Mandrake


Unlike most Linux distributions which focus on either the advanced user or the business server, TurboLinux focused on the very high-end server market. TurboLinux ( prides itself on building some of the best Linux clusters in the world, and is a leader in the fast growing Linux supercomputer field.


Another commercial player in the Linux market is Mandrakesoft ( Originally, Mandrake was a repackaging of Red Hat Linux with a focus on KDE and Pentium optimizations. Since then, Mandrake has become a more serious competitor to Red Hat and has forged ahead with new innovations (which are often then picked up by Red Hat and others).
 A software package like Mandrake really demonstrates how the Linux world is different than almost any other part of the computer industry (or almost any other industry). MandrakeSoft openly takes Red Hat Linux, makes their own modifications, and resells with without paying Red Hat and without Red Hat's permission. Though Red Hat publicity approves of MandrakeSoft's actions (become they are fully in keeping with the Linux culture), it is very likely that Red Hat would be happier without this kind of competitor. For the Linux community, this has been a true boon, because each company has driven the other to create better and product without either being able to lock the customer into a proprietary solution.
 Recently, Mandrake has diverged more from Red Hat, pushing toward more cutting-edge packages and a faster time to market.

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